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Government begins process to complete Lautoka pool

The Coalition Government has begun the process to complete the Lautoka swimming pool project with consultants and project managers to be appointed soon to oversee the works.

The Ministry of Local Government is now looking for interested companies for the tender for consultancy services, redesign, documentation and project management services for the swimming pool located at the Botanical Gardens, Lautoka.

The cost of the yet-to-be-completed pool had escalated from the initial budgeted amount of $2million to $12.6million.

Government has set aside $4.5million in the 2023/2024 national budget for the completion of works.

“The project would resume from where it was halted, with key components including the finalisation of the buildings, refurbishment of the pool and its surrounding areas, acquisition and installation of filtration systems, and necessary accessories, including a three-phase power supply,” Lautoka City Council CEO Mohammed Anees Khan said in July.

He said to procure items from overseas, a tender process would be initiated, taking into account awarding, shipment, and delivery times, all of which would be incorporated into the project timeline.

“Overall, the council anticipates a completion time of approximately 10 to 11 months,” Mr Khan said.


Source: The Fiji Times | Date: 28th Dec 2023.

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