Shri Charan preparing the rugby turf at the Churchill Park in Lautoka. Photo: Nicolette Chambers
Shri Charan preparing the rugby turf at the Churchill Park in Lautoka. Photo: Nicolette Chambers

Mr Charan, 57, was the former horticulturist for Lautoka City Council for 30 years.

The man behind Lautoka’s Churchill Park turfgrass, has returned to the stadi­um to ensure it is in ideal condi­tions when the Fijian Drua and Chiefs clash this Saturday.

For 30 years, Shri Charan, a hor­ticulturalist, has been the main person behind the perfection of the turf.

Since his retirement last year, Mr Charan has been making a liv­ing from turfgrass management, an industry few consider.

He is from Votualevu in Nadi has always been fascinated about gar­den cultivation and managing the basics and fine areas on a land.

Mr Charan, 57, was the former horticulturist for Lautoka City Council for 30 years.

Since then, he has been conduct­ing consultancy services.

This week, he returned to his ‘baby’ as he calls the turf, to assist workers of the council prepare for much-talked about Super Rug­by Pacific Match.

Mr Charan planned the redevel­opment plans for the new turf.

“Now I am here to get the turf to international standards for this rugby game.

“The turf is my baby, I missed being at the turf and I am happy to be back and I was willing to come and assist the council.”

He said the rugby field has to be at a certain standard to ensure that no player is injured.

“If someone falls from 1.2-metre height they should not get hurt,” the father of three said.

“The ground has to be cushioned enough so that it is a safe fall.

“Keeping the ground intact is all part and parcel of turf manage­ment.”

Source: Fiji Sun

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