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‘We all must deliver’ – Local Government Assistant Minister

Ratepayers have many expectations to what they pay for and we all must deliver.

Ratepayers have many expectations to what they pay for and we all must deliver.

Local Government Assistant Minister Lenora Qereqeretabua said this at the closing of the special administrators and CEOs forum held in Suva last Friday.

Ms Qereqeretabua said as someone who raised concerns in Parliament during her term in the Opposition and would also be doing the same in the next four years about the lack of transparency.

“For example where there were no annual reports presented for years,” she said.

“I’m sure presentation and discussions over the last couple of days have enlightened everyone on the importance of transparency and accountability, that is really needed to uplift the image of your respective councils.

“And it’s no longer acceptable to have key reports for ratepayers and taxpayers raised as queries by the Office of the Auditor General.

“The honourable Minister Maciu Nalumisa and I have been put here to ensure that this does not continue.

“The councils as you have already heard must work together to enhance the operations of your councils.”

Ms Qereqeretabua said the workshop had expectations that all efforts to reform council operations would require rapid shifts, transitions and changes.

“As we know the municipal councils are governed by the Local Government by Act 1972 which places on us all a legal obligation to maintain and improve the quality of services and facilities for our ratepayers.

“And this should begin from the timeline and budget allocations which is an area that councils need to improve on.

“We expect that realistic targets and KPIs will be set and we look forward to project timelines prioritised against the quality of work to be carried out on the ground.

“This is an important outcome and we at the ministry will work closely with you CEOs to develop KPIs and measurable outputs for monitoring and audits.

“Never again should we have a situation for example the construction of a swimming pool running to the millions because the project cost variations were not properly managed.

“I believe we have had good discussions and opportunities to reflect on the key issues we should be assisting CEOs to bring about greater transparency and efficiency in the services of their municipal councils.”


Source: The Fiji Times (dated: 16 April, 2023)

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